Donay Viljoen


Tax, Forvis Mazars in Bermuda

Session: Fiscal Horizons: Exploring the Effect of Corporate Income Tax in Bermuda

Donay leads the tax offering at Forvis Mazars in Bermuda, having trained in Forvis Mazars in London and previously at a Big 4 firm. She provides corporate tax advisory services to the financial services sector, with a dedicated focus on the Bermuda and wider insurance market. 

Donay has over 7 years’ experience in Financial Services Tax, with a particular focus on international tax. She has had key roles in the responses to consultations on the enactment of Bermuda corporate income tax and OECD consultations on Pillar 2 – GloBE. She is a member of our Forvis Mazars Global Pillar 2 – GloBE Executive Committee.

Donay has a range of experience dealing with Bermuda and UK tax including Bermuda corporate income tax, UK corporate income tax, Pillar 2 – GloBE, withholding taxes, country-by-country reporting, insurance premium tax and FATCA/CRS.