Bermuda Captive Conference

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Leslie Robinson

Senior Vice-President – Head of Underwriting & Claims, WTW

Session: Pooling Prosperity – The Benefits of Risk Pooling for Captives

Leslie L. Robinson, J.P., ACII
Senior Vice President – Head of Underwriting & Claims
Willis Towers Watson Management (Bermuda) Limited

Relevant Experience/Specialization:
Leslie has over 33 years’ experience in the financial services sector in Bermuda, with 22 years in captive management and broking and 11 years as a financial services regulator.

Leslie began her career in captive management in 1989 with Johnson & Higgins (Bermuda) Limited. In 1994 she transferred to J&H Intermediaries, where she was employed as an Insurance Broker and specialized in Casualty & D&O lines of cover. Her work experience in the years that followed included senior underwriting and management positions at several captive management and broking firms in Bermuda, most notably JLT Risk Solutions, where she held the position of Partner – Manager of Underwriting & Claims. In 2005 Leslie joined Ariel Reinsurance as Vice President and Head of Technical Underwriting Services and in 2007 she joined the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) as Assistant Director – Licensing & Authorisations. Leslie joined Willis Towers Watson in August 2018.

Leslie’s broad technical knowledge, financial services regulatory experience, and her ability to lead and manage departments allows her to provide superior underwriting and claims services to the clients of Willis Towers Watson Management (Bermuda) Limited and to also have oversight for compliance related matters.

Particular industry expertise held by Leslie includes, but isn’t limited to, the incorporation and licensing of insurance companies and being a part of regime enhancement working groups for the development of Special Purpose Insurers (SPIs), Insurance Code of Conduct and Insurance Manager Supervision.

Role at Willis Towers Watson:
Leslie was appointed Senior Vice President – Head of Underwriting & Claims effective August 2018. She also holds the positions of Compliance Officer and Money Laundering Reporting Officer.

Education and Credentials:
Mrs. Robinson earned a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Emory University and is also an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of London (ACII).  She was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Bermuda in 2008.